Automated driveway gates with complete control.
Remote activation of automated driveway gates offers the home owner and residents possibly the ultimate form of convenience. Not only is your gate or door automated but you can control them without you having to be there. Complete control at your fingertips. Imagine being able to open your driveway gate whilst relaxing on the beach.
Remote activation devices include, of many, a smartphone, an app and GSM activation. GSM stands for “Global System for Mobiles.” They are 2 radio networks used by wireless carriers. Such as the Centurion range G-Ultra, G-Speak Ultra and G-Remote.
GSM sends an activation signal to an already automated garage door or driveway gate. The message sent can either open or close without further human input or monitoring on site.
Remote activation also includes the automatic closing after a pre-set delay, normally a programmable function of the control panel and intercoms.
The caveat though is that they are the highest risk means of providing activation to powered garage door and driveway gates. The risks are to person, pet and vehicle. Such devices and systems require the highest level of safety.
The following features should be considered as part of the installation as they may very well help prevent an accident. Flashing lights and an audible warning when gate or door is moving. The use of CCTV is also highly recommended as the smartphone user can then have a visual cue of who or what may be in the way of the gate or door.
Providing the required level of hazard control is the responsibility of the owner and installing company, rather than the manufacturer. The document that describes remote activation use and resulting impact on necessary control measure for automated driveway gates with complete control for crush, impact, draw in, shearing and lifting hazards is EN 12453, first published in the UK in 2001.
Tags: "automated driveway gates" "driveway gates" "gsm" "automated garage door"